As my battle with Systemic Lupus seems more and more like a lost cause, what I reflect on most are the things I most wanted to do that I fear I won't be able to. At the top of the list is/ was a secret music project. After I found out about the movie "Be Here Now" I put the page in front of over 40 million "Facebook" users on various pages because cancer has touched everyone. I did several cancer fund raisers before I was so completely robbed of my health that at 42 I find myself on oxygen using a walker just to get to my bathroom. I never smoked a day in my life. I was very fit, which is probably what has kept me alive this long. I digress.
I read an article written by Andy Whitfield's Wife and it moved me in a way nothing has for a long time. I had to do more for the film. Andy Whitfield was born on my Mother's Birthday and passed away on my Birthday. I felt obligated in some way to write a song.
As a musician/ Indie Record Label owner with worldwide digital distribution, writing a song seemed the natural course of action. I wrote The Film Director and in typical fashion for me didn't ask if she needed music for the film. I told her I was writing a song for the film. And I wrote a song titled "Be Here Now" based on the interview Mrs. Whitfield gave to a publication in Great Britain.
The plan was to record the song, knock Ms. Foster's socks off with it so that she used it over the closing credits of the film. I wanted the lyrics I will post below to be the last thing you heard as the credits rolled. My credentials are easily verifiable, all anyone need do is look on any device from a smart phone to a tablet or computer to an XBOx 360 or PS3 you can find my most popular novelty comedy act "Trailer Park Gangstas" and the song "Backwoods Love" that in 1995 started the whole trailer trash in music and television movement. I do apologize for that.LOL A better representation would be the ballad I wrote in the 90's "Everything I Love" by "Little Lost Souls". Also available anywhere you can find MP3s in the world. I know you're getting impatient to read the lyrics, they are coming soon I promise.
I told Ms. Foster I would have a finished song for her in September 2012. I had planned a trip to Tampa to Progressive Music where I have recorded since 1992 with Ken Veenstra. The song was going to be a kind of Damien Rice "Blower's Daughter" type acoustic ballad. Just 2 guitars, my voice and two back up singers. A male and a female. I planned to give the rights to the song to Mrs. Whitfield so 100% of the earnings would go to her family. I would simply have her copyright the song with the notation it was written "Work For Hire" by me. She would then be listed as the writer. I wanted every dime to go to the family.
But as you probably ascertained from the fact that I'm on a walker with oxygen it's unlikely that I will ever be able to record the song titled after the film it was intended to close; "Be Here Now". So I am passing along the lyrics to "Spartacus" fans, actors and Mrs. Whitfield. I hope the lyrics bring some modicum of comfort in what will always be an open wound for family and friends. I didn't know Andy Whitfield, but I do know cancer. And these lyrics were supposed to be for a song from a film with all profits to benefit his family. As my own health fails I can only offer you the lyrics. I hope you enjoy "the song that never was."
"BE Here Now"
This body doesn't work
And I have to leave
I'm like a butterfly
With broken wings
Still I will be close by
Watching over you
I will love you always
Now that's all I can do
I can slay the giant
I can bring the rain
And for those I love
I can fight the pain
I hope you live in the moment
I hope you learn how
You can't be here forever
You can only be here now
Everything can seem perfect
And in the blink of an eye
Your world can crumble around you
Without any answers why
You can be bitter
Filled with anger and rage
Let hatred consume you
But it won't change anything
I hope you live in the moment
I hope you learn how
You can't be here forever
You can only be here now
I slayed the giant
I brought the rain
And for those I love
I have fought the pain
I hope you live in the moment
Before you're forced to learn how
We can't be here forever
We can only be here now
Be Here Now
My fight is over
My spirit is free
When you see a butterfly
Always remember to think of me
See a butterfly watching over you
And you'll know in your heart it's me
Be here now
Be here now
Live in the moment
Be here now
Live in the moment
Be Here Now
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